Useful Information for System Maintainers

Batch Reports

The SMP/E control statements below can be used to list all MOD entries associated with a specified LMOD entry in a specified target zone. SET BDY(tzone). LIST XREF LMOD(modname). The SMP/E control statements below can be used to report on PTFs in error installed in the specified zone: SET BDY(GLOBAL). REPORT ERRSYSMODS ZONES(zone) NOPUNCH. The SMP/E control statements below can be used to identify PTFs installed in one SMP/E zone which aren't installed in another specified zone: SET BDY(GLOBAL). REPORT SYSMODS INZONE(zone1) COMPAREDTO(zone2) NOPUNCH. The Command Generation function of the SMP/E panels can be used to generate the required control statements.

SMP/E Panels

See the description of the SMP/E CSI Query panel here.

The SMP/E Cross-zone Query can be used to search for an element across multiple zones.

More Information Here

Big Iron