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Displaying Jobs and OMVS Processes
The D A command includes the ability to filter on userid.
D A,L,USERID=myuser
will display any address space running with userid myuser.
You can also specify pattern characters as a jobname. For example,
will display any address space running with a jobname beginnning with BAT.
OMVS Processes
The D OMVS command incorporates similar filtering capability to the D A comand:
D OMVS,U=myuser
will display any OMVS work running with userid myuser.
You can also filter this display based on address space id (A=) or process id (PID=).
If you display a process, you will also get information about threads running under
that process. A=ALL will display all address spaces with OMVS activity.
One way of stopping an OMVS process is to issue the following command:
where pid is the process id.
See the REXX OMVS page here for another way
to look at what OMVS work is running.
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