PC-3270 File Transfer Program
IND$FILE is a TSO command. It is not intended to be used directly. It is usually invoked by file transfer programs
in a 3270 emulator environment when SENDing to TSO or RECEIVEing datasets from TSO.
If you invoke the IND$FILE program directly without any options, it should report version information. If you invoke the IND$FILE command directly and specify options,
your terminal or terminal emulator may lock up.
Here is a brief description of options for IND$FILE:
- the first parameter is normally GET (RECEIVE) or PUT (SEND) which indicates the direction of the file transfer.
- the next parameter is normally the name of an MVS dataset, which
is either the dataset to be received or the target for SEND.
- the remainder of the parameters are positional and optional. Options are separated by one or more spaces:
- ASCII - translate the data from ASCII to EBCDIC for a SEND or from
EBCDIC to ASCII for a SEND. If this parameter is not specified, no
translation occurs.
- CRLF - treat CRLF as end of record. Strip CRLFs for SEND; add CRLFs for RECEIVE.
- APPEND - append to an existing dataset (SEND only).
- LRECL( lrecl ) - specifies the record size for a new dataset (SEND only).
- BLKSIZE( blksize ) - specifies the blocksize for a new dataset (SEND only).
- RECFM( F | V | U ) - specifies the record format for a new dataset (SEND only).
- SPACE( pri [ , sec] ) [ TRACKS | CYLINDERS| AVBLOCK( size ) ]
specifies space allocation for a new dataset (SEND only)
- NEW - do not overwrite an existing dataset (SEND only).
IND$FILE message identifiers are normally of the form TRANSxx. You should normally refer
to the documentation for your terminal emulator for more information.