Displaying What's Going On


The ps command displays active processes. "Superusers" can use the command ps -Af to display system activity. Sample output: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD USERID0 1 0 - Oct 21 ? 0:00 USERID0 196610 1 - Oct 21 ? 2:57 USERID0 131075 1 - Oct 21 ? 0:00 USERID0 131077 1 - Oct 21 ? 0:00 USERID0 6 1 - Oct 21 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf RMFGAT 131079 1 - Oct 22 ? 28:01 USERIDX 3932168 4784142 - 14:44:40 ttyp0000 0:18 sh -L USERID0 5439501 3276815 - 15:28:19 ttyp0001 0:00 ps -Af USERIDX 4784142 1 - 14:44:39 ? 0:18 USERID0 3276815 3276816 - 15:28:07 ttyp0001 0:00 sh -L If you are signed on with a "superuser" account (uid = 0), then all OMVS processes with uid 0 will show as your userid. RMFGAT is the RMF monitor III gatherer who needs to connect to OMVS to gather OMVS information. Command SH -L represents an OMVS logon shell. There are two OMVS users on this system: user USERIDX and "superuser" USERID0 who typed in the ps -Af command. Process id (PID) 1 is the OMVS initialization process.

The who command shows users logged on the system. Sample output:

USERIDX ttyp0000 Oct 24 14:44 USERID0 ttyp0001 Oct 24 15:28

To get help for an OMVS command, enter "man commandname".

From MVS

The MVS console command D OMVS,A=ALL displays all active OMVS processes. BPXO001I 15.50.56 DISPLAY OMVS 320 OMVS ACTIVE BPXPRM00 USER JOBNAME ASID PID PPID STATE START CT_SECS OMVS OMVSINIT 0047 1 0 MRI 18.01.40 .113 SERVER=Init Process AF= 0 MF=65535 TYPE=FILE TCPIP TCPIP 0026 196610 1 MR 18.02.31 177.929 NFSSERVE NFSSERVE 005E 131075 1 MF 18.12.35 .374 SERVER=MVSNFS AF= 0 MF=65535 TYPE=FILE FTPD FTPD1 0048 131077 1 1FI 18.05.39 .064 OMVS INETD8 0043 6 1 1FI 18.02.00 .088 LATCHWAITPID= 0 CMD=/usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf RMFGAT RMFGAT 0061 131079 1 1R 04.01.39 1689.729 USERIDX USERIDX 0068 3932168 4784142 1CI 14.44.40 18.717 LATCHWAITPID= 0 CMD=sh -L USERIDX USERIDX 0068 4784142 1 1RI 14.44.39 18.717 USERID0 USERID0 006D 3407887 3342352 1CI 15.50.36 .379 LATCHWAITPID= 0 CMD=sh -L USERID0 USERID0 006D 3342352 1 1RI 15.50.35 .379 Note that, from the MVS side, "superusers" are displayed with their true MVS userid.

The command D OMVS,PID=nnnn where nnnn is the process id can be used to display the status of an individual process and threads running under that process.

The MVS console command D GRS,C displays enqueue and/or latch contention. This may help determine why a particular file system is not responding. Access to an HFS is controlled using latches.

Big Iron