OMVS Escape Sequences
Escape sequences represent control sequences or characters which might not be available
on the keyboard, for example, the "form feed" character. If you are using the OMVS shell
from a 3270 terminal, the escape character appears in the lower right hand corner. If you
have defined a "Control function key" for the OMVS shell, then you can key the character
and then press that function key. If you are using a telnet client, then you use the
Ctrl key.
Some useful escape sequences are:
- escape-d = end of file when input is coming from the terminal
- escape-c = interrupt program
- escape-z = suspend program
- escape-v = quit program
Typing in characters with special meaning
Certain characters have special meaning to the shell, for example, (). You can enclose
these characters in single or double quotes to allow them to be treated as literals.
Double quotes allow some special characters such as $ or \ to be expanded. You can
precede a special characters with a \ to allow it to be treated literally. Two
consecutive backslashes represent a single backslash.
The backslash is also used with some utilities to represent escape sequences.
For example, \n is frequently used to represent a new-line character.
For More Information
Refer to the UNIX System Services User's Guide.
Visit the OpenEdition page here.