SMTP is supported by the SMTP started task or by the sendmail daemon in the Unix
System Services environment.
SMTP Started Task
SMTP can accept incoming mail via
- the JES2 spool. SMTP checks for output routed to him on the local NJE node
on a periodic basis.
- TCPIP, usually port 25
SMTP can deliver mail to
- other SMTP mail servers, based on the hostname specified in the Email address.
This mail is forwarded via TCPIP.
- users on the local host or on other hosts connected via NJE.
For NJE output, SMTP checks if the userid exists and generates a SYSOUT with a destination
of the form nodename.userid. Messages are stored in permanent datasets while awaiting
forwarding to remote hosts or processing on the local host and then deleted when no longer needed.
For outgoing mail, IBM provides a basic client known as SMTPNOTE. For incoming mail, the
TSO RECEIVE command can be used since messages send by NJE look like messages sent by the
TSO XMIT command.
If you wish to use an Email gateway, rather than sending Email directly to each mail server,
where ii.ii.ii.ii is the IP address of the mail gateway.
Sendmail Daemon
The sendmail daemon can accept input via TCPIP, usually port 25. He can deliver mail to:
- other SMTP mail servers.
- users defined to Unix System Services.
Refer to the "Bat Book" for information on configuring sendmail. (The "Bat Book" is the
O'Reilly book on sendmail
which has a flying fox, a kind of fruit bat, on its cover)
There are various mail clients available under Unix System Services such as "mail".